Don't Work, Join A Cult 不必工作,加入趋势

On Dec 31, 2019, Paul Graham twote: 2019年十月的时候,Ycombinator 的创始人 Paul Graham 发了这么一条推文

A secret for discovering great things: look for things that are said to have a “cult” following.

一个可以发现大投资机会的方法是:看它的粉丝群像不像一个 cult 。

In my March 24th, 2020 blog, I sold my idea that Everybody Should Be A VC. Today I will give my reasoning on why you probably want to invest in a cult.

我以前写过一篇博客,说每个人都应该成为一个风险投资人。雷军说,跟着趋势是最重要的。趋势之下,还要投对一个龙头企业,也就是 Paul Graham 说的 Cult, 才能真正捕获技术进步带来的价值。

What Is A Cult 一个 Cult 长成什么样?

A cult may sound as something evil, but here is my definition: A Cult is A Global Consensus on building Sth.

Cult 的本意是邪教,咱们这里肯定不是这个意思,我这里给出的定义是这样的:一个 Cult 就是为了达成一个伟大创新而形成的全球共识。

A cult has a really clear and benevolent goal. People’s love for it is based on logical reasoning, not religious passion. Bitcoin is building a new form of the Fed. Tesla is Building a next-generation energy infrastructure. Microsoft, a computing machine for everybody. Apple, portable Internet.

一个 Cult 应该有一个清晰的为全人类谋福利的愿景。人们之所以会热爱一个 Cult ,并不是源于宗教性的迷信,而是源于理性的推演。Tesla 的愿景是构建下一代能源基础设施,苹果的愿景是移动互联网,微软愿景是每个人桌上都有一个计算机。这些愿景都太简单明了,同时又特别伟大,所以才能凝结全球共识。

How to identify a cult, what are the common characteristics? NO.1 A cult always has fanboys making videos on youtube like crazy, that is to say, outsiders love it like family. NO.2 A cult usually takes the form of a company led by a dictator. Think Apple, Microsoft before and Amazon, Tesla now. A dictator is the best way to get things done quickly, so I won’t invest in any company if it does not have a powerful and famous dictator. But exceptions do exist, Linux is not a company. Bitcoin is just an open standard without a dictator. NO.3 A little smell of politics. Young gen wants to change the status quo like always you know, now they find tech is more powerful than swords.

那说具体点,一个 Cult 到底有哪些特征呢?第一,一个 Cult 通常都会有一群粉丝在 youtube 或者其他视频平台上给它做视频,免费做推广,因为 cult 型公司的粉丝会把自己当成公司的人一样去热爱这个公司。第二,一个 Cult 的形式大致都是一个有独裁者的公司。例如,苹果有乔布斯,亚马逊有贝索斯,微软有比尔盖茨,特斯拉有马斯克。独裁者可以推动事情迅速达成,所以如果一个公司没有一个很有名的 CEO ,我是不会投的。第三,你可以从对这个公司的讨论中多少嗅到一些政治运动的气味。年轻人总是想要打破现有的秩序的,现在他们已经认定技术是比刀枪更有力的变革力量。

Anyway, Nothing can be more valuable than a global consensus. If you don’t feel this, what are you doing?


Tech Favors Big 技术对垄断企业友好

One million dollar question is what is the best way to get the consensus deployed.


Small is not beautiful. Allow me to plug my own startup experience. 10 years ago, I co-founded a small software consulting firm. We are still in business today. But it’s really hard to do anything innovative, every day we need to fight for survival. Maybe that’s why I love Peter Thiel’s book Zero to One because only big guys can afford a 10000 people design team to build the best OS, phones, or cars.

马云说因小而美,其实对于产业发展来说,小肯定是不美的。我自己就是一个创业者,10年前就创立了一个小的软件外包公司,到今天我们还活着。但是,我们这种公司是没有啥精力去做创新的,每天疲于糊口而已。Peter Thiel 在从零到一那本书里说的很清楚了,只有大型垄断企业才有能力去组织一个1000人的团队去开发最好的东西,不管是操作系统,手机,还是电动汽车。

Why big won? The Internet has taken us to the Winner Take All era. It changed the way bits are moved from point A to point B. The logical next step is that it will change how we move atoms as well. People are not going to use the second-best search engine, likewise, people are not going to buy the second-best designed EV cars. The fact that lots of non-best companies can still grow and get big, is simply because of the insufficiency of information. I believe the Internet will solve this.


But good high tech companies are already very expensive, right? When it comes to investing real money, I will say be brave. Even though good companies already have a high valuation. If you love sth, buy it now, don’t wait. How big real good companies can be? Please read Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, and Henry Ford. In comparison with those guys, today’s Apple and Amazon are tiny. Right now, Amazon is selling anything, Tesla fanboys want to see Tesla become a company that builds anything. In the future, I believe there are companies that build and sell anything, think Umbrella in the movie Biohazard. Big data makes big organizations easier to manage, big does not mean slow and stupid.


Big companies will be replaced by open standards one day, but for the short term, I love monopolies and will only invest in the NO.1 guy in any industry.

当然,一旦全球愿景达成,大公司也好,独裁者也好,他们的负面作用也可能都体现出来了,到时候,我们要做的是用开放标准来干掉这些大公司,就像用互联网干掉 AT&T 。但是短期来看,还是有独裁者的垄断企业最有效率,很多人喜欢投某个赛道的多个头部公司,但是对于领头羊已经很明显的行业,我倾向于只投一个龙头。

Don’t Work, Learn 不要工作,要学习

IMHO now we have stepped in an era that you don’t need to work if you don’t need to worry about food for today. Most of your time should be spent on learning and joining a new trend, a new global consensus, a cult.

我自己有些想法可能是听起来有些疯狂。我觉得咱们可能已经进入了一个大部分人不需要工作的时代了。所以如果你最近几年的吃穿问题解决了,你可能一辈子也不需要工作了。主体的时间应该从工作转移到学习上,学习什么是趋势,哪些领域正在形成全球共识,哪个企业可以称得上 cult 。

Firstly there will be no day jobs in the future anyway. Because AI and automation will produce things so efficiently, it’s easy to make a living in the future, as Elon Musk said: Everything will be very cheap. Putting big projects say autonomous cars aside, there will be no room for small life-style business either. Want to sell vegetables or open a local clothes shop? No way, Meituan, and Amazon will do that much more efficiently. So why not just spend more time on art/literature/politics or family life. If you want to do sth, do sth innovative and inspire big guys, the point is that don’t try to make a profitable business out of it, wait to be acquired or invested instead.


So we should take learning as our full-time job. Building sth new will always be risky. Some specific companies can fail. But that’s not a problem, as long as you have enough knowledge, and understand the industries, you can still make money. For example, if Tesla fails, we will vote with money to create the next Tesla, that should be easy. Software is eating the world, people who don’t understand technology won’t be qualified to be an investor. Right now, the mainstream people are still technologically illiterate, so spending time to be tech-savvy will bring huge advantages to us as investors. Let me give you an example, In September 2020, Tesla holds a Battery Day, Elon Musk did a fantastic job explaining the new technology Tesla will use to build new batteries, For engineers, that is an exciting huge plan. But because of too many tech terms during the presentation, mainstream media considered the event dull, Tesla Stock price dropped 30 percent afterward.


So let’s learn how the technology works in a big and general way. Learn enough first principles in both technology and humanity to make your own judgment.


Conclusion 总结

After all, what’s is the message I am trying to deliver? Learning is more important than working because it’s machines that make all the wealth in the future, not human labor. Only big companies use technology most efficiently, so they will capture most of the value created by technology. Nowadays the secret to being rich is not to work, but to own part of some tech monopolies. Behind all the forms of cults and companies, it’s all about the match of people’s need to get things done and the technology to do it. Being super knowledgeable is the only way for you to see the big trends earlier and be part of it. Being the early supporter of some cults is the best way today to push humanity forward while getting rich.
