Why I Love Linfo.org

Linfo.org is a Linux documentation site in simple and elegant English.

Linfo.org 是一个 Linux 学习资源站,特点就是英文特别的简单优雅。

Linux Is a Movement Linux 是一场社会运动

Linux is the os that most web servers use. Without Linux, we have no Internet.

Linux 是目前大部分网络服务器使用的操作系统,没有 Linux 就没有互联网。

Linux is at the core of the open-source movement. Without Linux and thousands of pieces of free and open-source software on top of it, every big company would try to force its standards for global network connections, and because of commercial interests, they tend to fight each other, then how can people build a global and open network, which is now called the Internet, together.

Linux 是整个开源软件运动的心脏。没有它和它上面运行的成千上万的开源软件,那么大公司就是去试图推广各自的商业标准来试图进行全球网络互连,由于各自的商业利益,通常争斗多于合作,标准很难统一,或者至少进展缓慢,了解浏览器战争和 HTML 标准的朋友应该对此深有体会。

Linux is more than an operating system, it is also a movement and mindset. In my earlier posts, I said people should join a cult. The Linux community is such a cult-like place, count-less nerds have been contributing their time to do things for free, because they believe tech and openness is the best way to make a difference.

Linux 不仅仅是一个操作系统,也是一长社会运动和思想革命。之前我的视频里面,我提议大家多注意有 cult 味道的公司,其实 Linux 虽然不是公司,但是其实是最符合我的 cult 标准的。大量的高智商 geek 奉献了无数的世界用来开发免费的东西,因为他们坚信,只有开放和透明才能最大化人们的全球协作效率,也才能彻底改变世界。

Characteristics of Linfo 特点

Back to linfo.org.

回来说 Linfo 这个网站。

It is a site for learners because it has a focus on basics. For example, it has pages on computer science basics, like

它特别适合初学者。因为上面有很多非常基础的知识。例如,有些内容是 Linux 相关的计算机基础知识:

and it has pages for basic Linux commands, say umount, grep, head, and a lot more, what you get is a much more simple and warm explanation than the manpages. I started to use this site maybe 10 years ago when my English was not as good enough to feel comfortable with gnu.org or wikipedia.org page. Linfo was such a friendly site language-wise.

还有一些页面是介绍 Linux 命令的,例如 umount, grep, head 等等。内容比 man page 的要精练好懂。我自己应该十多年前开始接触这个网站,那时候感觉度 gnu.org 或者 wikipedia 都有点费劲,但是 Linfo 读起来就非常舒服。

The site also feels historical. it has intro to early machines like PDP-7. You can find The GNU Manifesto and free software movement intro here.

这个网站也很有历史感。上面有 PDP-7 这样的早期计算机的介绍,GNU 宣言和自由软件运动的介绍上面也都有。

Imitation Is The Sincerest Form of Flattery 效仿是最大的赞美

This site is in its extremely minimum form. Just white pages with text and links. The css file is less than 40 lines. Yet, it offers a pretty elegant look and a wonderful reading experience. No images, or fancy distractions of any form, just the gentle flow of knowledge. That is why I copy the style for my blog, happypeter.github.io. and other some sites like https://happypeter.github.io/binfo/. Binfo was named to mean Blockchain info.

网站样式非常简约。只有白纸黑字加上链接。CSS 文件只有不到40行。但是看上去感觉真的很舒服,没有图片,完全沉浸在文字这一种形式中,可能也是更加容易产生心流吧,学习效率是很高的。我自己的博客,也是采用的这种样式,十来年了,没有改过。我还有一个 Binfo 站,也就是 Blockchain info 的意思,不但样式是一样的,连名字都效仿 Linfo ,正所谓“效仿是最大的赞美”。


Yeah, Linfo is cool, it worth your while. Take a look at linfo.org.

好,Linfo 就聊这么多,注意网站地址是 linfo.org 。