Quantified self 量化生活

Quantified self refers to self-tracking with technology, with the aim to gain “self-knowledge through numbers”, in order to improve physical, mental, and emotional performance.


The widespread adoption in recent years of wearable fitness and sleep trackers such as the Fitbit or the Apple Watch have made self-tracking accessible to many of us today.

最近几年很多人都购买了 Fitbit 手环或者苹果手表这样的可穿戴设备,让追踪数据变得非常方便了。


The term quantified self appears to have been proposed in San Francisco by Wired magazine editors Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly in 2007 。



The primary method is the collection and analysis of data. In many cases, data are collected automatically using wearable sensors, not limited to, but often worn on the wrist. In other cases, data may be logged manually.


Technology has made it easier and simpler to gather and analyze personal data. Since these technologies have become smaller and cheaper to be put in smart phones or tablets, it is easier to take the quantitative methods used in science and business and apply them to the personal sphere.



A major application of quantified self has been in health and wellness improvement. Many devices and services help with tracking physical activity, caloric intake, sleep quality, posture, and other factors involved in personal well-being. Corporate wellness programs, for example, will often encourage some form of tracking. Genetic testing and other services have also become popular.



I personally have faith in AI and big data, and am now tracking my life as much as possible.

我自己对大数据和 AI 有着一种信仰,所以我平时会尽力的去记录生活和身体的各项数据。